The Business

Author Blurbs

on January 25, 2007

I’ll admit, I was surprised when I was asked for an author blurb. This is basically a one or two-sentence endorsement of the book which may go on the front cover or on an inside page. First, though my debut trilogy did well, I’m hardly a household name among suspense lovers like, oh, Robb, Coben, Connelly, King, Koontz, Gardner, Gerritsen, Hoag and many others. Second, and most important, who am I to judge whether a book is good or not? What if I love it and one of my readers hates it and gets mad at me? What if I… Read More

Professional Jealousy

on January 6, 2007

On every writer’s loop I’m on, professional jealousy has been discussed. We often talk around it, because we don’t want to be seen as green with envy. Some people are the brunt of it more than others. Some people tend to be more envious than others. But one thing we all don’t quite understand is WHY. Why do some feel the need to slam the success of fellow writer’s? Today I read a great blog over at MJ Rose’s Buzz, Balls & Hype about WHY professional jealousy exists and offers some great advice. So I’m passing it on to all… Read More

Nine Marks for a Bestselling Author

on November 30, 2006

I found this circulated on one of the writing loops I’m on. I don’t know who created it, but I thought there were some interesting points of discussion. Nine Marks for a Bestselling Author 1. Perseverance is the key 2. They write and write and write 3. They like to write and write and write 4. Promotion is constant 5. Marketing is critical 6. Fans are an important asset 7. The more success the more pressure 8. They’re grateful 9. There is no single profile for a best-selling author Sounds like good advice. Let’s break them apart and discuss them…. Read More

Page Proofs . . . or Your Last Chance

on October 26, 2006

Okay, admit it. You’ve read books replete with errors. With typos and missing words and things that just don’t make sense. Who’s the first person you blame? The Author. Right. Been there, done that. It’s not always the author’s fault. Page proofs are the final stage before publication. You get the book in typeset form. For my publisher, this means a mock-up of each page, complete with printer marks, chapter headings, what-have-you. The dedication, the acknowledgments, and my favorite page–the inside page that tells the reader that this is a work of fiction, and it’s bears my name next to… Read More


on May 18, 2006

Authors tend to be the last to know what’s going on with their books. I’ve been fortunate that I’ve been kept in the loop regarding most aspects of my books journey from production to shelf, but there are a few things that came as a surprise. Like, when I walked into Target and saw THE PREY sitting on an endcap with a BREAKOUT BOOK sticker. It would not have been a surprise if I saw it a week or two after the release date. But this was two MONTHS after the release date. I thought Target just didn’t pick up… Read More

To Sign or Not To Sign

on March 16, 2006

I’m outgoing. An extrovert, you might say. I love talking with people, in person, on the phone, on-line–doesn’t matter. I need that human connection, especially now since as a full-time writer, I spend so much time in my head (which can be a very scary place!) I think book signings are a good thing, within reason. Like with all promotion, if it takes away from your writing time, you have to evaluate whether you’re getting a huge benefit from it. But if you can fit in a few signings, there are good reasons to do so. First, some definitions: LAUNCH… Read More

Ups and Downs

on February 2, 2006

Over at Kristin Nelson‘s blog, she wrote about the state of the chick lit market Why would a suspense writer even care about the chick lit market? Because we’re sisters. Or brothers-in-arms. Or any other cliche you can think of. The truth is, chick lit today is where romantic suspense was 3-5 years ago. When chick lit first became really popular, maybe about three years ago, good writers who had a good manuscript were bought up in very nice deals across the board. Publishers were snatching up new authors right and left, and established writers with the right tone were… Read More

Supply and Demand

on December 29, 2005

On several writing loops, the subject of trends has come up. Most of the conversations have taken a panicky tone, so they caught my attention. For example: * Romance suspense is dead * The chick lit market is tight * Paranormal is hot, hot, hot, but no more vampires * All anyone wants is erotic romance I’m not an expert when it comes to publishing, but I know a little bit about economics. I’m not panicking. And neither should most people. Chick lit (which encompasses a wide range of female-focused stories that are defined more by tone and voice than… Read More

The Waiting Game

on November 10, 2005

Publishing is an odd business. I’m still learning the ropes, but the more I know the more I realize I don’t know. For example, there is a lot of “hurry-up-and-wait” in the business. Considering patience is not my strong suit, can you imagine my frustration these last 20 months? I’ve often said me getting published is penance for my lack of patience. First, my sale came quickly–a week after my agent sent out my manuscript (now known as The Prey. This was in March of 2004. The book hits the shelves December 27, 2005. That’s a long time. I know… Read More