A Fun Meme

on August 19, 2010

I’m in New York and was gone all day, so this is a short blog, but should be fun!

I usually don’t like doing those meme things, but while I was waiting for my flight @popculturenerd on Twitter posted this link and challenged us to come up with answers. Using 2009 books read is not cheating, I’ve been told, and because I’m having a hard time answering these with the books I’ve read in the last 18 months (I swear, I used to read 4 books A WEEK; I’m lucky to read 2 books a month now) it can be any book you’ve read. (Yes, I’m changing the rules. Why? Because there are no rules, only guidelines.) Okay, one rule, the sentence has to be a truth about you.

So below are my answers. If you post YOUR answers, you’ll be entered in a drawing for any title in my backlist–winners posted on Sunday. (and you don’t have to post all your answers, just what comes to you!)


In high school I was DYING TO PLEASE
People might be surprised I’m THE GUNSLINGER
I will never be DEAD WRONG (at least, that’s what I tell my kids!)
My fantasy job is ONE POLICE PLAZA
At the end of a long day I need SENSE AND SENSIBILITY
I hate it when (it’s) ICE COLD
I wish I had THE VILLA
My family reunions are (an) ANIMAL FARM
At a party you’d find me with KILLER INSTINCT
I’ve never been to HARVEST
A happy day includes COMING HOME
Motto I live by TELL NO ONE (well, most of the time!)
On my bucket list GREAT EXPECTATIONS
In my next life, I want to be CHARMED AND DANGEROUS

Okay, your turn!